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Information about depth-to-water maps on Latvian television channel RĪGA TV24

On July 3, 2021, on Latvian television channel RĪGA TV24 program “Would Have Know” Jānis Ivanovs, a LIFE OrgBalt expert and a scientific assistant at the Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava”, talks about the depth-to-water maps developed in the project, how they were elaborated and where they can be used.

This episode of the program “Would Have Known” was dedicated to the topic of groundwater – what is its role in natural processes, what is the human impact on groundwater, what are depth-to-water maps and what information do they provide.

Please see the program IN LATVIAN:

More about depth-to-water maps can be found here: https://www.orgbalt.eu/?p=3748 [1]