The five-year research project LIFE OrgBalt is coming to an end. To highlight the project’s achievements and share knowledge to address climate change, we invite you to LIFE OrgBalt two-day international conference: Climate Change Mitigation in Organic Soils in Agricultural and Forest Lands on June 13-14, 2024 at the University of Latvia Academic center in Riga, Latvia or join online: HERE.

Register here:
To secure your participation (online or in-person), please complete this short registration form: . Working language of the conference – English.
Conference technical information: HERE.
Meet the keynote speakers:

The LIFE OrgBalt project focuses on demonstrating how sustainable management of nutrient-rich organic soils in the Baltic States and Finland can help mitigate climate change. The project is implemented by a consortium of eight partners from five EU Member States: Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, and Lithuania.