
Support to national and regional authorities in implementation of the CCM measures in the national and regional strategies and action plans to fulfil EU and national CCM targets in post-2020 period in LULUCF and agriculture sectors; identification and evaluation of possibilities for cross-sectoral cooperation; demonstration of public and private partnership model in implementation of the CCM measures;


C.4.1. Public and private partnership model Functional land management model – a tool for climate change mitigation and sustainable management

Functional land management model – a tool for climate change mitigation and sustainable management available for download >>>

User manual for the model >>>

The model is based on the analysis of seventeen scientific scenarios derived from seventeen climate change mitigation (CCM) measures which have been implemented on sixteen demosites within the LIFE OrgBalt project’s partners’ territories.

Thirteen demosites are located in Latvia and three are located in Finland. An additional CCM measure has been taken from the project LIFE REstore.

Each scenario derives from a combination of existing characteristics divided at first by type of land (agricultural land, forest land, wetland) and consequently into two data input levels (first and second), which eventually provides specific financial and socio-economic indicators for each CCM measure which can be applied on the given land plot.

First level input will define the type of CCM measure that can be implemented on a given territory. They include land type, land use, management system and drainage system. Second level input will return financial, economic and socio-economic indicators to estimate the environmental, financial and socio-economic benefits of each CCM measure that will be evaluated as applicable under the given conditions.