Date: 15.07.2020.
Venue: Webinar format meeting
Organized by: Latvian State Forest Research Institute SILAVA
Read more about the Steering Group meeting: HERE
Agenda of the Steering Group meeting
(click the title to read the presentation)
- LIFE OrgBalt progress and what`s next – overall view, Ieva Līcīte, LIFE OrgBalt coordinator, Latvian State Forest Research Institute SILAVA
- Implementation of climate change mitigation measures in selected demo sites – demo sites in forest land, Andis Lazdiņš, Latvian State Forest Research Institute SILAVA; Raija Laiho, Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke
- Implementation of climate change mitigation measures in selected demo sites – demo sites in agriculture land, Ainis Lagzdiņš, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
- GHG flux monitoring group activities (including briefly about calibration seminar), Jyrki Jauhiainen, Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke
- GHG measurements within LIFE OrgBalt – video
- GHG inventory reporting activity data group work, Andis Lazdiņš, Latvian State Forest Research Institute SILAVA
- LIFE OrgBalt communication, Adelaide Mancini, Baltic Coasts
- First National workshops on climate change mitigation measures for nutrient rich organic soils – reporting back on workshops held, Kristīne Sirmā, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia
- Discussion based on experience exchange about organic soil management in post 2020 EU`s common agriculture policy (CAP) discussions